Nikos Keramópulos

verifiable credentials and digital wallets will transform the tourism industry 

Nikos Keramópulos

Verifiable credentials and digital wallets will transform the tourism industry 

The travel industry is on the cusp of a radical transformation thanks to the implementation of emerging technologies such as verifiable credentials and digital wallets. These innovations promise to revolutionize the way travelers manage their personal data and how they interact with travel providers, offering a more secure, efficient and personalized travel experience.

Verifiable credentials are digital documents that can be issued, presented and verified electronically. This type of credential is designed to provide a secure and private way to share personal information, minimizing the risk of fraud and identity theft. In the context of tourism, these credentials can include everything from digital passports to vaccination certifications, e-visas and travel permits.

Benefits for travelers

Impact on service providers

Digital wallets: the new normal

Digital wallets, on the other hand, are applications that allow users to store and manage their verifiable credentials on their mobile devices. These wallets are not only for travel documents, but can also include credit cards, e-tickets and other important documents.

Advantages for the user

Innovations in the sector

Technology companies such as Neoke are leading the development of advanced digital wallet and verifiable credential solutions. These solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing systems of airlines, hotels and government authorities, creating a cohesive digital ecosystem.

Case study: implementation in Europe

In Europe, adoption of these technologies is being driven by new regulations and standards set by the European Union. The eIDAS (Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services) Regulation is a regulatory framework that establishes standards for electronic identification and trust services, facilitating the use of verifiable credentials and digital wallets throughout the region.

Traveler's experience

Industry impact

Challenges and considerations

Despite the many benefits, the implementation of verifiable credentials and digital wallets also presents certain challenges:

The future of Tourism

As technology continues to evolve, we are likely to see increased adoption of verifiable credentials and digital wallets in the travel industry. These innovations have the potential to transform every aspect of travel, from planning and booking to the destination experience and the return home.

.Emerging trends

The digital revolution in tourism is underway, driven by verifiable credentials and digital wallets. These technologies not only improve security and efficiency, but also open the door to more personalized and satisfying travel experiences. As the travel industry embraces these innovations, travelers can look forward to a future where technology facilitates every step of their journey, creating a more connected and accessible world for all..

Author: Nikos Keramópulos

CEO Tecnolokvision

The authors are responsible for the choice and presentation of the facts contained in this document and for the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of Tourism and Society Think Tank and do not commit the Organization, and should not be attributed to TSTT or its members.

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