Objectives and goals
Develop observatories and intelligence units to collect, analyze and disseminate data on accessibility and inclusion.
Create expert commissions and working groups to promote research, policy development and implementation of inclusive practices.
Foster strategic alliances with public and private entities to strengthen the impact of accessibility initiatives.
Organize virtual and face-to-face events to raise awareness and educate on the importance of accessibility and inclusion.
Seek and manage funds to finance accessibility projects and support organizations working in this area.
Visibilize and support individuals, companies and organizations that implement accessible and replicable projects.
Strategic Objectives
Development of regulations and standards:
Establish common standards for accessibility in tourism infrastructure and services.
Promote the adoption of national and regional laws and policies that support accessible tourism.
Training and awareness-raising:
Train professionals in the tourism sector on accessibility and inclusion issues.
Conduct awareness campaigns to increase awareness of the importance of accessible tourism.
Research and development:
Promote research on the needs of tourists with disabilities and best practices in accessible tourism.
Develop and disseminate best practice guides and manuals for tourism destinations and businesses.
Infrastructure investment:
Support infrastructure projects that improve accessibility in tourism destinations.
Facilitate access to funding and resources for the implementation of accessibility improvements.
Promotion and marketing:
Create an accessible tourism brand that highlights inclusive destinations.
Develop marketing strategies aimed at tourists with disabilities and their families.
1. In the short term
Establish at least three accessibility observatories in different countries.
Create a database of best practices and success stories in accessibility.
Hold a virtual event and a face-to-face event to promote awareness and education on accessibility.
Sign collaboration agreements with at least five key organizations or companies in the field of accessibility.
2. Medium term
Develop accessibility intelligence units in at least three tourism destinations in the region.
Create expert commissions in at least four countries to advise governments and organizations on the implementation of accessibility policies.
Organize a regional conference on accessibility and inclusion with the participation of at least 100 attendees.
Secure funding for at least ten accessibility projects in different countries.
3. Long-term
Consolidate the regional accessibility support and cooperation network with members from all countries.
Promote the adoption of accessibility legislation and public policies in at least two countries in the region.
Create a virtual resource center with educational materials, guidelines and tools for the implementation of accessible projects.
Achieve sustained funding for a portfolio of accessibility projects that can be replicated throughout the region.
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