Meraki Audiovisual Culture 

Artistic lighting in religious monuments 

Cristina del Olmo 

Music tourism and the great musicals

Carmen Chamorro

Spain: 78% of restaurant companies plan to open and 74% will increase their workforce by 2025

Juan Camilo Patt Gomez and Antonio Santos del Valle

Chocoshow 2024: a tribute to Colombian cocoa and the tireless work of FEDECACAO

and others

Alessandra Priante

President of the Italian National Tourism Authority (ENIT)

Carlos E. Díaz-Rosillo

Americas Tourism Summit 2024

Dr. Eduard Baquero López

Executive President of the National Federation of Cocoa Growers of Colombia

Norbert Onkelbach

Chief Commercial Officer. Lima Airport

Gustavo Riveiro D'Angelo 

Dept. of Tourism Pastoral. Spanish Episcopal Conference

and others

Tourism Visioneer 2024 ENG_email.pdf

Tourism and Society Think Tank (TSTT) is a space open to professionals who, independently of their institutional and/or business relationship, present concepts, ideas, tools and innovative trends.

The objectives of TSTT are aimed at providing information and pointing out the risks and opportunities of a sector whose social, economic and cultural impact is of the first order, while at the same time contributing to the knowledge of the tourism industry, the types of tourism and its social impact, and analysing tourism trends with the participation of related actors and agents.

TSTT is made up of professional experts in different areas of tourism and society, and independently of the corporate and institutional positions they represent, they form a great space for reflection, consultancy and advice for professionals, companies and institutions that develop their activity in the field of tourism and society in general.

The world in general and tourism in particular, live in scenarios of constant change and, the lack of certainty in determining policies and decision making; the concern for the sustainability of the planet, and the frenetic social, economic, cultural and technological dynamism; need a space where professionals from different fields, can reflect, present and have access to safe and innovative proposals.

Tourism activity is characterised by communication relations in which contact with other human beings is essential and fundamental, and shapes the behaviour of both the individual and society as a whole, and generates impacts at different levels: individual, family and collective, producing a set of cultural, social and economic effects.

The Tourism and Society Think Tank invites you to be part of the change. 

Come and participate

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