Content creation agency
The AI revolution in Tourism: Aideus, an agency of content creators at the forefront of change with its motto "Organic Talent, Digital Passion"
The irruption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in tourism technology has marked a significant milestone in the way we explore and experience the world.
In a context where technological innovation is constantly redefining our interactions with the environment, AI emerges as a powerful tool that drives personalization, efficiency and creativity in the tourism industry.
Without going any further, the generation of travel plans through AI has shaken the market a few months ago but... what comes next? In what other applications linked to tourism will we see artificial intelligence? Well, here, in this article we give you some clues.
Transforming creative processes: The impact of AI on content generation.
In this scenario, we were struck by the work model of Aideus, an agency of AI-powered content creators committed to producing content for tourist destinations at low cost, without sacrificing quality. This is something that is starting to become possible with AI, as applied to creative processes, it makes them more economical. Their work always begins with the analysis of search trends and content consumption, based on this analysis to create a creative roadmap, getting strategically defined content before being created. Always under solid ethical criteria and in accordance with current legislation.

Aideus Keynote Destinos

Aideus Keynote Corporativo
A world of possibilities: A community of creatives using artificial intelligence applied tourism communication.
Aideus proposes a unique scheme: to have a community of creatives, individuals passionate about innovation and storytelling. Imagine being able to set up a specific "dream team" for each of your projects. Talented individuals, specialized in specific disciplines, who work by combining their professional and creative expertise with leading content production tools, texts, photos and videos, powered by AI to create content that motivates, inspires and connects with travelers on a more meaningful level, linking with the destinations' communication channels.
As they themselves say : "We are passionate about new tools applied to creativity and we love that they offer possibilities for cost optimization and content revitalization : who couldn't love this ? But what also amazes us about these technologies is the capacity for customization and the unique stamp with which you can work on each project."
Strategically elaborated annual plan with monthly deliverables and review of results.
How is all this made concrete? Aideus proposes an Annual Plan: a comprehensive roadmap that allows an analysis of emerging trends, anticipating market demands and designing effective strategies for each client. A roadmap understood as a four-phase plan: first analyze; then align that analysis with the Integral Plan and the specific objectives of each Destination. Act, either by creating new content, or by revitalizing and monetizing existing content.
And what remains as the fourth point? Measure: measuring results facilitates the next iteration. As they explain: "The objective is not to do for the sake of doing. It is to focus on the points that can be most effective for the communicative purpose in an increasingly competitive world".
Another thing that has caught our attention about this agency is its innovative business model. It consists of a monthly subscription, with scheduled deliveries, reviewing results every month, with the possibility of canceling the subscription after six months if the results are not satisfactory for the client, without further ado.
Trend analysis for content development.
Aideus starts each project with an analysis of search trends extracted from similar pages, competitors or places where target users converge. These trends are the guide that facilitates the creation of the content plan that they propose to their clients, creating highly targeted content, focused on traffic and to meet the information needs of potential consumers.
Link Building Strategy: I've heard about you...
We all know that one of the best business cards we can have is that someone has recommended us, and above all, if that someone is dear to us, the recommendation has a very special weight in our purchase decision. In the world of digital marketing this is called "Link Building". Publish suggestive articles that talk about you, on websites related to your activity and that include direct links pointing to your domain. This makes your web space more important for search engines. Your organic positioning is improved. And guess what happens: you become more relevant.
From Aideus they analyze the most interesting sites for you and make you a proposal of media where to publish these articles, and of course, they prepare the content following their work methodology, based on the analysis of search trends and the creation or retouching of stunning images assisted by AI.
Image revitalization with AI : "Eppur si muove".
"And yet it moves" We can only imagine what Galileo Galilei's genius would have thought about AI, or where science might have gone if it had AI tools to help it. What we can be sure of is that Galileo, like almost the vast majority of humans, pays attention to something that moves rather than something that remains static. Aideus proposes to take image animation to a new level with Artificial Intelligence. It's time to transform your static image stock into dynamic visual experiences that captivate the imagination and interest of users.
Shorts: impactful messages in brief moments
It's not always necessary to start everything from scratch. There are spiritual people who talk about rebirthing, people who approach a volcano to start over. This is not the case of Aideus. But it is true that there is something of all this in the proposal they offer: starting from videos already created, they propose to give a second and third life to these audiovisual contents, a "spin off" of your content, segmented, and reconfigured to spread them on social networks.
Eager to explore?
We live in a time of change where Artificial Intelligence is beginning to empower every area of business and change our lives in general. This content creation agency is a sample of this evolution and in our sector, as in any other, we realize that a wave of change is coming. How to face it? a challenge at the same time economic and ethical. One more like others that came, always questioned and always finally adopted by mankind.
Meet Aideus
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