Interview with Susana da Graça

Sama Travel - Tour Operator

Susana da Graça

Sama Travel - Tour Operator

Could you describe your role and main responsibilities in the International Department of Sama Travel?

I am the Director of the International Markets and New Business Development Department for Sama Travel. Opening of a subsidiary in Portugal. Opening of new business lines for the Tour Operator. Air Distribution Channels for maximum profitability of charter operations, called “single flight”. In this way we optimize that customers who also want to buy our routes without the need to have them associated with a Tour can buy them online for their own interests. Mostly sold by online travel agencies. 

Negotiation with airport authorities, Government Offices, Ministry of Tourism, Embassies and all kinds of institutional relations at international level, of the countries that are of interest at Tour Operation level. General Coordination of the International Department.

What are the main objectives of Sama Travel in the international market and how are they being achieved?

Sama Travel is a totally disruptive Tour Operator, we are characterized by reaching destinations where no one has gone before and from airports that have never been explored before. This has awakened the interest of the international market to have the necessary approaches to enhance the tourism development of the countries to which we provide direct flights. Especially from Spain, which is our operational base.

We have a subsidiary in Portugal in which we are working to have a replica of our business model and go with the same structure and strategy “to go where no one has gone before”.

At the level of new destinations in our Tours, we work together, the Product and International Department to establish all possible connections, based on three aspects: design of the tours with charter planes that allow us to have freedom of decision in the airports where to fly, work together with the Ministry of Tourism, designated Tourism Offices, and other governmental and airport authorities, to create the promotional plans, learning for travel agencies in familiarization trips, and all those activities that enhance the destination, as well as establish the commercial and strategic plans for the entry of countries in our portfolio of destinations and tours.

What factors do you consider when evaluating new regions or countries for Sama Travel's expansion?

Disruptive destinations where there is no direct flight but that are real gems to discover, and that do not enter into the sales options of a travel agency because, to reach this destination involves connections and many hours of travel.

As is the case of Sharm el Sheikh, a destination not explored by the Spanish and offers a variety of activities for all tastes. Egypt is Culture, Sharm maintains all the Culture that is associated with this country and also combines beach, leisure, nightlife, desert, gastronomy, one of the 10 destinations worldwide for diving and snorkeling, and with a disruptive hotel offer of great category, where no one has arrived by direct flight, and that the Destination has the necessary potential to have it as an option in our portfolio of tours.

What have been the biggest challenges you have faced in bringing Sama Travel's services to an international market and how have you overcome them?

Perhaps the most challenging part is the VUCA environments, those environments that due to their volatility or sensitivity make us make very quick turns and changes to ensure the success of our business. The tourism sector is very sensitive to issues affecting politics, conflicts, security, and we are in a time where these points are the order of the day.

Therein lies our success: resilience, flexibility and agility, quick turns to guarantee our scheduled operations or quickly offer new options.

How does Sama Travel handle cultural differences and travel preferences in different international markets?

These differences are the must of our core business.

We need that variety to be able to build great travel experiences, adapting to the needs of travel agencies and their clients. Our Product Manager takes care of and pampers each and every one of these details.

Betting on the traditional is undoubtedly the easiest thing to do, but we always go one step further.

We are very consolidated in the market in Spain thanks to our ability to differentiate what we do, and we also adapt to tailor-made trips, according to what our clients demand because we do not have it in our portfolio, or because they want a tailor-made experience, for characteristics such as: luxury, adventure, private, whatever our clients demand.

Mount Sinai 

What kind of international strategic alliances has Sama Travel established and how have these collaborations benefited the company?

We always draw up three types of strategies:




Win-win relationships are important to move forward in the international arena.

St. Catherine's Monastery

How is Sama Travel positioned in comparison with other international travel agencies?

We are a Tour Operator with the best track record in Spain in outbound tourism to Egypt,

A normal Tour Operator can schedule one flight or five. We have been the first and pioneers in the Spanish market to have direct flights to Egypt from 22 Spanish provinces, and we are simply experts in our business and we work every day to remain so.

What technologies has Sama Travel adopted to facilitate its operation and expansion abroad?

In terms of air distribution, we work with state-of-the-art technology platforms that reach markets all over the world online. In just one flight, an online booking can reach us from Spain, or from any continent thanks to our agreements with technology experts.

What marketing strategies do you use to attract international clients and what have been the most effective?

We have a communications team that works every day to reach more and more potential clients. We carry out our own campaigns and we also work with the tourism offices on joint plans focused at all times on a specific type of client.

The four pillars: our interest in promoting a destination in our own way, the interest of the country involved, the authority of the country involved and the training on the destination for the agencies in Spain.

The most effective are always through social networks and influencers with repercussion in each country. The current campaigns have yielded very positive statistics and a good return in terms of business figures. In the tourism sector, we always work with local media.  These media have a high visibility among travel agencies.

How does Sama Travel customize its services to meet the needs of international clients?

We take care of the niche we want to reach, from there everything is geared from there. We evaluate and analyze the impact on the number of bookings/tours contracted in a season according to our scheduled tours and the return in volume.

We combine the interest of these countries to be able to work together with agencies, suppliers, authorities, and decide which countries to keep or remove from the destination portfolio. Support is fundamental for mutual growth. The 

We listen to our clients (Travel Agencies) in order to redesign and fine-tune our tours, and very importantly, we listen to our commercial team, because they are the ones who have the first-hand information of the market.

What steps does the International Department take to ensure that clients have a positive and memorable travel experience?

Careful tour design, client feedback, sourcing from suppliers and destination partners.

What emerging trends in international tourism are you observing and how does Sama Travel plan to take advantage of them?

The end customer is becoming more experienced every day, he knows that he can have what he wants at his fingertips through the online world. Opinions, experiences, among many others. They arrive at the travel agencies (our direct clients) almost with their trip designed!

The trends are different, personalized, and highly leveraged experiences, i.e., maximum experience in a time that is limited for everyone.

What sustainability and social responsibility initiatives has SAMA TRAVEL implemented in its international operations?

We are very much aligned with the 2030 agenda and we prioritize that suppliers (airlines, ground services, among others) have the same sensitivity in this regard.

St. Catherine's Monastery 

What is your vision for the future of Sama Travel's International Department and what are the next steps to achieve that vision?

Many agreements! We want to work together with all those involved in the value chain that make it possible for us to be as successful as we are.

The fact that a market as fragmented as the Spanish one trusts us is to be appreciated and is a symbol of a lot of effort throughout these more than 17 years. We work with a small agency as well as with a large vertical tourism group that has under its scope many brands that promote our charters with their own product. Everything is compatible from the freedom of competition, but we have that point of “risk” that helps us to have a great own product, and that others who design product can count on our places to grow tourism in general.

We are open, spontaneous and close, we have the vision to remain as “The most disruptive Tour Operator in Spain” and we will continue in the line of promoting Egypt, which is “our home by nature”, maintaining these operations to Sharm El Sheikh, which undoubtedly will be the destination 2'25 in that area. 

Among the steps of International are to create all the necessary approaches to promote the destinations and to have the best variety of product and collaboration with local authorities for the best promotion of the destination. Next week we will be in three Balkan countries: Bosnia, Montenegro and North Macedonia, to strengthen ties and establish plans for 2025.

We are finalizing the design of the operations to Sharm El Sheikh starting in October, given the success we have had in these two months of operation. It has been a gamble and we have won! 17 operations with a Load factor of between 80% and 90% when not, 100% flights,

This means that we created a great milestone to the Red Sea in Egypt!

Mrs. Susana da Graça, we sincerely thank you for sharing your time and knowledge with us. Your experience and vision in managing the International Department of Sama Travel is extremely inspiring. We look forward to continuing to see how Sama Travel continues to grow and prosper in the international arena. Thank you very much for your valuable contribution to this interview.

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