Otonomus, the first hotel with artificial intelligence will open in Las Vegas


In a month the most awaited moment for travel and technology lovers will arrive. The first hotel operated entirely with artificial intelligence will become a reality in Las Vegas, USA. The facility seeks to combine the flexibility of an Airbnb with the consistency and services of a traditional hotel.

But, undoubtedly, the curious thing about the hotel is the integration of two patented artificial intelligence systems. The first, FIRO, is an AI-based booking engine that optimises room allocation and maximises revenue, while the second, KEE, acts as a virtual room key and concierge, facilitating the management of guests' stay independently.

Through FIRO you have access to the full range of one-, two- and three-bedroom rooms, and even a six-bedroom suite. Another plus point is that the platform automatically configures adjoining rooms and personalises the experience based on a system of information gathering with personalised questions and even, with the customer's approval, social media data.

On the other hand, KEE will be responsible for check-in, which means that the traditional reception will be completely eliminated. Similarly, room services, cleaning or additional needs will be requested through the app, and orders will be delivered by robot butlers.

With a view to making the stay more pleasant, the hotel will record details such as the preferred room temperature or the guest's check-in and check-out times. Otonomus not only aims to revolutionise the hotel industry in Las Vegas, but also to set a global technological milestone that is already set to be replicated in other parts of the United States and Dubai.

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