Portal de América and the Tourism and Society Think Tank sign collaboration agreement


In a significant event held last Friday February 9th for the tourism industry, the Tourism and Society Think Tank (TSTT) and Portal de America (PDA) have signed a collaboration agreement to promote Sustainable and Responsible Tourism.

In an unprecedented initiative, Portal de America (PDA) and the Tourism and Society Think Tank (TSTT) have established a strategic alliance with the objective of promoting sustainable and responsible tourism practices worldwide. 

This collaborative agreement represents a mutual commitment to address the most pressing challenges facing the tourism industry, with a focus on developing tourism that benefits both society and the environment.

TSTT, with its vast network of more than 150,000 tourism professionals representing 103 countries, is dedicated to in-depth research on the impact of tourism on communities and the environment. Its holistic approach encompasses key areas such as economic impact, environmental sustainability, culture and society, policy and governance, and technology and innovation. Through this agreement, the TSTT joins Portal de América, a leading media outlet that since 2006 has been a reference in the coverage of the tourism sector and commercial aviation, to amplify the impact of its research and promote positive change in the industry.

Portal de America, recognized for its commitment to quality news and its influence in shaping opinion in the travel industry, will bring its extensive platform and reach to disseminate TSTT's knowledge and recommendations. Together, they will work on creating educational content, organizing events and promoting initiatives that encourage more ethical and conscious tourism.

This agreement places both entities in a privileged position to lead the way towards more sustainable and responsible tourism. By combining TSTT's deep expertise and global network with Portal de America's broad audience and media impact, this collaboration promises to be a catalyst for change, driving policies and practices that will ensure a prosperous and equitable tourism future.

Both organizations share a vision of tourism that not only generates economic benefits, but also preserves and enriches local communities, minimizes negative impacts on the environment and celebrates cultural diversity. This agreement underscores their commitment to research, education and practical action, seeking to positively influence the direction of global tourism.

The partnership between Portal de America and the TSTT is a step forward in both organizations' shared commitment to tourism that respects and benefits all. Their collaboration is testament to the importance of joining forces in the tourism industry to meet the challenges of the present and future, ensuring that tourism remains a positive force for sustainable development worldwide.

For more information on this collaboration and their future initiatives, visit www.portaldeamerica.com and https://www.tourismandsocietytt.com .

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