Brazil launches its National Tourism Plan with the goal of becoming a leader in South America


The 8th edition of the Tourism Fair “Get to Know Brazil”, promoted by the Ministry of Tourism, was the stage for the launching of the National Tourism Plan (PNT) 2024-2027. The document, presented by the Minister of Tourism, Celso Sabino, defines objectives to be achieved by the sector in the next three years, such as increasing the number of domestic trips from 93 million to 150 million and reaching 8.1 million international tourists visiting Brazil and US$ 8.1 billion in revenues generated by foreigners.

The document with the vision, principles, lines of action and objectives for the development of the sector, in the period, also estimates to increase the number of formal jobs in national tourism from 2 million to 3 million. Another perspective is to exceed 8.1 million international tourists, reaching the 10 million mark. “We are committed to reaching the 10 million mark of foreign visitors and, if we maintain the good results registered this year, I have no doubt that we will reach this goal”, said the Minister of Tourism, Celso Sabino.

The development of the PNT seeks to reinforce the role of tourism in sustainability and social inclusion and was produced in conjunction with the National Tourism Council (CNT), which brings together public and private managers, civil society and academics. The general objective of the Plan is to make Brazil the South American leader in visitor arrivals by 2027, with tourism being an important vector for sustainable development and the generation of employment and income.

The principles established for the implementation of the PNT are cooperation and regionalization, development and productive insertion of people, sustainability, innovation and digital transformation, in addition to the democratization of access to tourism. As a vision for 2027, the Plan proposes to position Brazil as a “destination that is incomparable, safe, inclusive, sustainable, innovative and a reference in unique and memorable experiences.”

Minister Celso Sabino praised the union of efforts to strengthen tourism. “The resumption and intensification of dialogue with the different sectors of national life are premises of President Lula's government, and this translates into attitudes such as the reinstatement and expansion of social participation in the CNT, recently promoted. The PNT is not a plan of the Ministry of Tourism, it is a guide for everyone: public agencies and the private sector. It is a plan for Brazil, to be implemented by everyone!”, called Sabino.

The new PNT, aligned with the Multi-Year Plan 2024-2027, establishes 20 sectoral programs and plans to achieve its purposes. The operating strategies will be built in a participatory manner, within the scope of the CNT's Thematic Chambers, which may include guests from civil society and experts. One of the actions is the Climate Adaptation Plan for Tourism, corroborating the United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030.


The PNT defines the execution, among others, of programs for professional qualification and productive insertion in tourism, tourism mobility, and tourism connectivity and safety, in addition to national and international marketing plans. The document also formally establishes the Travel Incentive Program: Get to Know Brazil, already implemented through Get to Know Brazil: Flying, Get to Know Brazil: Realize and Get to Know Brazil: Civic.

The Plan also presents the trends observed for the coming years in the sector, such as Afro-tourism, regenerative tourism (the search for increasingly ecologically conscious travel with lower environmental impacts), digital nomadism, gastronomic experiences as the main motivation for travel, sports tourism and music tourism.

Celso Sabino referred to its commitment to the expansion of ecotourism and regenerative tourism, in order to encourage the conservation of natural resources through sustainable tourism. “We work for economic, environmental and social sustainability. It is necessary, as we are doing, to promote community-based tourism, which allows for the equitable distribution of benefits and the reduction of environmental damage. This is what we will show the world at COP30, consolidating Brazil at the forefront of sustainable development,” he stressed.


The PNT also changes the name of the municipalities that make up the tourism regions on the Brazilian Tourism Map, one of the benchmarks of MTur's activities. With the change, the localities are now categorized as “tourist municipalities”, “municipalities with complementary tourist offer” and “municipalities supporting tourism”.

The “tourist municipalities”, currently in categories A and B of the Tourist Map, concentrate the largest flows of visitors and concentrate the main tourist attractions and services. The “municipalities with complementary tourism offer” (until now categories C and D) have attractions and services that add to the region's offer. The “municipalities supporting tourism” (currently category E), on the other hand, have no tourist flow or show little expressive movement, but benefit from the activity by providing the cities with complementary offers of labor, services or products associated with tourism. 

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