The State of Mexico presents the Tourism and Artisan Observatory


As part of the concluding actions of the current Government of the State of Mexico, through the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEM), and in compliance with the Law of Sustainable Tourism and State Artisan Development, the presentation of the Tourism and Artisan Observatory of the State of Mexico (OTAEM) was held.

During the meeting, Ivett Tinoco García, Secretary of Culture and Tourism, said that this Observatory will be a reference throughout the country, as it not only complies with the law, but it can observe the behaviour of tourists in the territory and involves all those involved in the tourism sector in the integration of information, including academics, students, tourism service providers, artisans, craftsmen and directors of municipal tourism.

"The Tourism and Artisan Observatory recovers the knowledge of the communities to thank them for the fact that, over many generations, they have given and continue to give us identity, that they do it as a way of life, which also nourishes decision making, public policies and enriches public service", emphasised Ivette Tinoco.

Isidro Rogel Fajardo, director of the Faculty of Urban and Regional Planning of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEM), shared that the OTAEM is not a static tool, but a dynamic one, as it will allow decision-makers, as well as tourism service providers, artisans and craftsmen, to feed the database continuously and the cartographic information permanently.

"The Observatory has something that makes it the most important in the whole country, its Atlas, since it is a very well cared cartographic exercise from the graphic point of view, but mainly from the geospatial and statistical part.

"In addition, it not only allows us to see how tourism activities are developed in urban areas, but also the tourism value of the rural areas of the state," Rogel Fajardo said.

During the presentation event it was shared that, through OTAEM, one will also have the opportunity to visualise in the Atlas how all the tourist sites in the State of Mexico are connected through national, state and local roads.

In a virtual way, Pablo Cicollela, professor at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, acknowledged the work done by the Government of the State of Mexico and the UAEM, as it is a powerful tool that will provide a great service in the generation of public policies, analysis, research and documentary processes and will also be vital in the day to day for tourists, tourism service providers and artisans.

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