Generation Alpha, who they are and how to attract them to travel


Generation Alpha is on its way, and these are people who were born and raised in a fully digitised world, so they are oversaturated with information 24 hours a day.

And yes, of course they are an important demographic. Although we see them as very young, exposure to the internet has made them consume content from a very young age, they are increasingly aware of what they want in terms of products and services, and knowing how to take advantage of this in time represents an opportunity for brands. This generation is known for their ability to use technology and for being influenced by online, but not traditional, advertising.

While traditional advertising can still work with this generation, it is important to adapt to their interests and behaviours to achieve a strategic impact. We are no longer talking about a simple ad on Youtube or TikTok, we have to know how to speak in their own terms if we don't want to be seen as boring adults, at the end of the day, they are our consumers and the ones who now demand their parents to buy our brands, and soon they will start buying them themselves. Being present in their lives is a seed that needs to be planted now to grow and bear fruit in the medium term.

Even so, in the midst of 2023 there is already a real struggle for the attention of the younger generation, so while we understand why, the question is "how or what do brands have to do when they are competing against the thousands of stimuli they receive every day?"

On a professional level, we are fortunate to have a number of tools that allow us to understand the voice of consumers, and with that we plan strategies in response to those needs and interests. In my experience, I can put together 6 keys to more strategically impact this Alpha Generation:

Utilising their digital platforms.

The Alpha Generation is connected to the internet an average of 7 hours a day, and digital platforms are a fundamental part of their lives, however, you have to know how to filter them correctly, and not use traditional safe options. Currently, channels such as YouTube, Twitch and TikTok are the most popular among members of this generation.

Creating content that is relevant and engaging 

Alphas are highly selective about the quality and relevance of the content they consume. Therefore, it is important for brands to create content that is relevant and engaging for them. This can include interactive games, fun and educational videos or memes - any content that helps them develop skills and knowledge; at the end of the day, they are still young, developing teenagers.

Make advertising educational and fun

As well as being demanding, they are highly curious and love to learn new things, so advertising that teaches them something new will be well received. Moreover, it should be fun and entertaining to attract their attention and keep their interest. On the contrary, traditional or scripted, repetitive advertising will be highly rejected as boring or "too old".

Speaking through influencers and/or ambassadors

Influencers and ambassadors are among the most valuable tools, basically because they have a huge presence on digital platforms, and are like friends to Gen Alpha's, which makes them very influential characters in their lives. It is key to identify influencers or micro-influencers that you recognise as 'opinion leaders', but this will only manifest itself as idols, content creators and the like.

Be authentic and transparent

This generation is very savvy and savvy, and will not tolerate misleading or overly direct advertising. Therefore, it is important for brands to be authentic and transparent in their advertising. This includes being clear about the products and services they offer, and how they can help this generation; equally, when segmenting by niche, it is important to remember to speak in a dual way: appeal to teenagers, but keep in mind that in the end the purchasing decision is often not theirs alone. The value proposition has to be approved by their decision-makers.

Make advertising accessible and inclusive

They are very diverse and value inclusion and diversity. Therefore, it is important that advertising is accessible and inclusive, and reflects the diversity of society. This includes the representation of people of different ethnic backgrounds, genders and abilities in advertising. In addition, with the expansion of the internet, more and more parents (most of whom would be Millennials) are advocating for as much representation as possible.

One of the most relevant pieces that should have a cross-cutting presence is the theme of multi-sensory technology and communication and this is, more than anything else, a preparation for the expansion of the metaverse and the use of AI. All this play of sounds that make you evoke sensations, or these images that you can play with that seem to have texture, digital influencers, immersive actions that seek to offer a taste of how we will live in the world of tomorrow... Everything must be taken to the next level in order to capture the Gen Alpha, to whom nothing seems to convince them as sufficiently "wow", because they are used to the extraordinary.

In conclusion, to reach Gen Alphas it is essential to make use of highly recognised online platforms for them, generate engaging and entertaining content, leverage the influence of brand ambassadors, incorporate trends relevant to them such as augmented reality and storytelling, and encourage user engagement to establish two-way communication.

Brands can reach this valuable audience and achieve a more lasting impact if they take into account what the Alpha generation is like and what they are looking for, given that it is the fastest growing demographic group, and solidifying relationships early in life is essential to transcend as a brand of choice.

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